The WTF Notebooks birthday gift guide


14 April 2023 by WTF Notebooks

A birthday gift table with a set of WTF Notebooks

Birthdays. They come at us faster than a rabid cheetah on caffeine. And although they should be one of the most predictable events in any calendar, they still love to sneak up on us from time to time.

So, what do you do when yet another birthday has the audacity to catch you off guard? Gift cards? A box of chocolates? Or the bottle of booze that's been fermenting in your cabinet for years? If only there was a one-size-fits-all gift that you can stock up on to prevent the last-minute panic buy.

Well, fret no more because WTF Notebooks has got you covered!

Why WTF Notebooks are the perfect gift

Before we dig into a juicy selection of our best notebook titles, here are five reasons why WTF Notebooks are the birthday gift that keeps on giving:

1 – Notebooks are practical

Whether used for grocery lists at home, school, or work meetings in the office, notebooks are undeniably a practical gift to receive. From casual journaling to serious note-taking, a quality notebook is a birthday present that won’t be shoved into a drawer.

2 – There's a title for everyone

With humorous and witty titles, WTF Notebooks cater to every personality, interest and age. From the innocent and fun to the sassy and sarcastic, we've got at least one title for everyone.

3 – They are customizable

Unique and quirky like a one-legged flamingo on stilts, our notebooks stand out from the crowd of typical birthday gifts. Plus, at WTF Notebooks we let you customize the cover color and inside pages for true uniqueness.

4 – Quality from cover to cover

Our notebooks are built to last longer than a Kardashian marriage. Made with high-quality materials, they’ll be a cherished keepsake for years to come.

5 – Save with Bundle Discounts

Finally, our notebooks are affordable, making them an excellent option for those who are on a budget but still want to give a meaningful and memorable gift. Our amazing Bundle Discounts allow you to stock up on your favorite titles without breaking the bank, and then pick and choose from your selection throughout the year.

Browse hundreds of hilarious titles

As mentioned, there's a title for everyone. In fact, we've got hundreds of WTF Notebook titles that make the perfect birthday gift. To make your choice easier, we've picked out 21 of our most popular notebook titles that are sure to make any birthday boy or girl smile:

Useless stuff to overthink

For the chronic overthinker who needs an outlet for all those thoughts:

Useless stuff to overthink

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
Tasks I need to complete before I can watch Netflix

For the procrastinator who needs a little motivation to get things done:

Tasks I need to complete before I can watch Netflix

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
Work notes and other things I can ignore

For the employee who wants to appear productive, even if they're not:

Work notes and other things to ignore

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
List of people who have wasted my time

For the birthday boy/girl who has no time for nothing:

List of people who have wasted my time

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
Shit I have to write down because I’m old

For the forgetful senior who needs to keep track of everything:

Shit I have to write down because I’m old

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
Things I need to get done but probably won't

For the perpetual procrastinator who needs a reminder of their unfulfilled responsibilities:

Things I need to get done but probably won’t

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
Grocery lists and plans for world domination

For the ambitious dreamer who wants to take over the world, one grocery trip at a time:

Grocery lists and plans for world domination

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
Doodles I drew during important work meetings

For the bored employee who’s secretly a famous artist:

Doodles I drew during important work meetings

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
Yoga, meditation and other ways to stay sane

For the birthday kid with a lot on their mind:

Things I can’t say out loud

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
Things I want to say at school but shouldn't

For the student who has a lot to say:

Things I want to say at school but shouldn’t

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
My archive of flying fucks I don't give

For the person who has mastered the art of not caring:

My archive of flying fucks I don’t give

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
My list of bodies I buried in the woods

For the dark-humored individual with mysterious secrets:

My list of bodies I buried in the woods

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
Reasons I'm day drinking

For the person who needs a little liquid motivation to get through the day:

Reasons I’m day drinking

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
Brilliant ideas I had while pooping

For the thinker who has their best ideas on the toilet:

Brilliant ideas I had while pooping

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
My list of things I was right about

For the person who needs to vent some frustration:

People I want to punch in the face

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
Times I was right and nobody listened

For the person who always knows best but never gets credit for it:

Times I was right and nobody listened

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
Brilliant ideas I had while drinking bourbon

For the bourbon enthusiast who loves brainstorming over a glass:

Brilliant ideas I had while drinking bourbon

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
Evil plans and unicorn drawings

For the birthday boy/girl with a wicked sense of humor:

Evil plans and unicorn drawings

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
Meetings that could have been emails

For the co-worker who’s had enough of pointless meetings:

Meetings that could have been emails

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
Brilliant ideas I had while drinking wine

For the wine lover who needs a little liquid inspiration:

Brilliant ideas I had while drinking wine

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order
My list of things I was right about

For the person who needs a little self-validation for their brilliant ideas:

My list of things I was right about

  • Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
  • Custom-printed to order

And this concludes our list of the funniest and most practical birthday gift ideas that'll make your loved ones laugh. But this only a small selection of the hundreds of titles on offer: Check out our full range of hilarious titles, customize your favorites and don't ever be caught off guard by another birthday.

Ordinary is overrated

WTF Notebooks are here to make you laugh out loud. Custom-printed to order, they are the perfect gift for friends, family, co-workers or yourself. Say goodbye to boring notebooks and hello to WTF Notebooks!

Learn more
A woman with a glass of wine, laughing at her WTF Notebook titled
A pink WTF Notebook titled A black WTF Notebook titled
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WTF Notebooks page element
A customer holding his blue WTF Notebook titled 'Times I was right and nobody listened'
A happy customer holding her red WTF Notebook titled 'List of people who have wasted my time'
A happy customer holding her pink WTF Notebook 'Inappropriate comments to make in serious situations'
A happy customers holding three WTF Notebooks, with the first one titled 'My list of things I was right about'