Ho, ho, holy hell, it’s nearly Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year! And you know what that means: it's time to start thinking about what to get your loved ones.
But let's be real, who wants another boring gift card or another pair of socks? Nobody, that's who!
That's where WTF Notebooks comes in, saving you from the gift-giving dilemma with our selection of quirky, off-beat, and downright hilarious notebooks. These are not your average, run-of-the-mill notebooks, my friends. These are notebooks with attitude.
Whether your giftee is a sarcastic soul, a lover of inappropriate humor, or just someone who appreciates a good laugh, there's something for everyone on your list.
In this Christmas gift guide we’re presenting you with 25 of our favorite Christmas gift ideas that’ll make even Santa giggle through his big beard. These stocking stuffers are the perfect customizable gift and a great companion to welcome the new year. So forget about the same old, same old this year and give the gift of laughter and attitude with WTF Notebooks.
Funny Christmas gift guide

For that sassy friend or co-worker who’s always got a comeback:
Smart things I’m going to say later
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the person who sets lofty goals every year but can never quite follow through:
New Year’s resolutions and other short-lived ideas
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the know-it-all who loves to keep track of their predictions:
My list of things I was right about
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the ambitious dreamer who aspires to world domination:
My plans to take over the world
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the son or dauther in-law who's holding on to their filter with dear life:
Things I wish I could say to my mother-in-law
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the struggling adult who can't seem to get their act together:
My hopeless attempts at adulting
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the disgruntled employee who needs to vent:
List of reasons why I hate my job
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For that wine-loving friend who wants to focus on self-improvement and relaxation:
My journal for gratitude, self-care and winefulness
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the creative thinker who has a lot of ideas to jot down:
Random thoughts and other notes I’ll turn into a book one day
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For that one family member who wants to set realistic goals they can actually achieve:
New Year’s resolutions and other casual promises I’m not obligated to fulfill
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the person who loves to prove others wrong:
List of people who underestimated me and how that worked out for them
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For those entrepreneurs with big plans for the new year:
My kick-ass plans to become my own boss
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the person with a mischievous side and a love for doodles:
Evil plans and unicorn drawings
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the forgetful friend or family member who needs a little help remembering important dates:
Birthdays and anniversary dates I always forget
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the highly organized person who loves to keep everything in order:
My book to stay organized as fuck
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the lazy person who wants to find ways to avoid doing things they don't like:
Exercise and other things I wish I could outsource
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For that co-worker who loves to stay in the loop on office drama:
Juicy workplace gossip
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For that artistic friend who always raves about their creative work meetings:
Doodles I drew during important work meetings
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the person who has had some truly unbelievable experiences:
Shit that you just can’t make up
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the person who needs an outlet for their NSFW musings:
My most inappropriate thoughts
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the beer enthusiast who loves brainstorming after happy hour:
Brilliant ideas I had while drinking beer
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the person who's been ghosted, stood up, or otherwise mistreated:
List of people who have wasted my time
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For that family member who occupies the bathroom for way too long:
Brilliant ideas I had while pooping
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For that confident and self-assured friend who always kicks ass:
Things I’ve done that remind me I’m a badass
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For that friend or co-worker who's always right and wants to prove it:
Times I was right and nobody listened
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order
And that's a wrap! Our list of 25 WTF Notebooks is sure to have something for everyone on your Christmas list, from the sarcastic to the ambitious to the downright naughty.
If this list isn’t enough inspiration, check out our full range of funny notebooks to find the perfect gift and spice up your Christmas gift-giving. Your loved ones will thank you.
Ordinary is overrated
WTF Notebooks are here to make you laugh out loud. Custom-printed to order, they are the perfect gift for friends, family, co-workers or yourself. Say goodbye to boring notebooks and hello to WTF Notebooks!
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