Ever thought of gifting your colleague a unicorn or maybe a pet rock? Nah, too mainstream!
Elevate your office-gift game from dull to hilarious with notebook titles that are as unique as your co-workers. Dive into this gift guide and uncover 23 gems from WTF Notebooks that'll make your team laugh, gasp, or wonder if HR needs to be informed.
Because, let's face it, nothing says "I appreciate our awkward water cooler chats" quite like a quirky, eyebrow-raising notebook title! Let's get gifting and slightly offending, shall we?
Funny gifts for work colleagues and staff

For that sassy friend or co-worker who’s not interested in doing any actual work:
Work notes and other things I can ignore
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For that colleague who thinks that the lunch break is their personal therapy session:
Tiny violin concertos I can play for you
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the co-worker who thinks that everyone else on the team is just there for decoration:
My research into working alongside a bunch of morons
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the work colleague who will always leave things last-minute:
Things I can put off until tomorrow
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For that co-worker who always knows best:
My list of things I was right about
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the overthinking co-worker who always wants to discuss things a little more:
Useless stuff to overthink
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your work bestie who quietly rolls their eyes at you during every staff meeting:
Meetings that could have been emails
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For that oh-so-important colleague who needs a reminder to keep quiet about company secrets:
Things in the NDA I can't talk about
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the co-worker who complains about everything work-related to their spouse:
Shit that you just can’t make up
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the work buddy who holds the front at night, no matter what:
Tales from the night shift
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For that co-worker highly values a healthy work/life balance:
Shit that's none of your fucking business
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For that colleague who's the reason the company still keeps the old fax machine around:
Shit I have to write down because I’m old
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the sassy co-worker who has absolutely no filter:
Inappropriate comments to make in serious situations
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For that colleague who needs a little extra kick to get through the work week:
Reasons why I mix my coffee with whiskey
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the co-worker who hides their phone in their lap when the boss walks past:
My book to write in to appear busy
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the colleague who's not afraid to be vocal about their right to stamp out:
Meetings and other things I don’t do after 4:30pm
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For that co-worker who thinks we'll all be replaced by AI soon:
Arguments I lost to ChatGPT
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For that colleague who hates their job but has just celebrated their 20-year work anniversary:
Letter of resignation drafts and templates
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the co-worker who talks the talk and walks the walk:
Meeting notes and other boring shit
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your co-worker who's already been sent to HR three times this year:
Shit that keeps hitting the fan
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For that visionary colleague who's ready for change:
Stupid shit we do because we’ve always done it that way
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For the nosey colleague who only comes to work for the goss:
Juicy workplace gossip
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For that co-worker who's out-of-office reply has been on since last Christmas:
Emails I won't respond to
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order
So there you have it! The ultimate notebook guide for every unique (and slightly odd) colleague of yours. If you can't make your office meetings fun, at least make the note-taking hysterical. Go ahead, gift a WTF Notebook. Remember, it's all fun and games until Karen from HR wants one too. Happy gifting, and may your office never be short of chuckles!
Ordinary is overrated
WTF Notebooks are here to make you laugh out loud. Custom-printed to order, they are the perfect gift for friends, family, co-workers or yourself. Say goodbye to boring notebooks and hello to WTF Notebooks!
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