2024 Hanukkah gift guide: The most hilarious (and honest) gifts to give
27 October 2024 by WTF Notebooks

As the 2024 Hanukkah celebrations approach (starting 12/25), the hunt for the perfect Hanukkah gift is on – one that’s a little more memorable than the usual dreidels and chocolate gelt. This year, why not go for something unexpected?
WTF Notebooks has the perfect line-up of hilarious, cheeky, and downright clever notebooks to brighten up all eight nights.
Forget about “standard” gifts – these notebooks are here to add a dash of irreverence and wit. Whether it’s for the family comedian, a friend with a razor-sharp sense of humor, or anyone who needs a break from tradition, we’ve got titles that’ll make even the most stoic uncle crack a smile.
In this funny Hanukkah gift guide, we’ve selected 18 unique WTF Notebooks that make the ideal presents, perfect for gifting, sharing laughs, or adding a little extra light to the Festival of Lights. So, skip the predictable, and let WTF Notebooks help you give the gift of laughter this 2024 Hanukkah!
18 hilarious Hanukkah gift ideas to give in 2024

For your friend who likes to go down rabbit holes:
Useless stuff to overthink
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your wise cousin who's too shy to speak up:
Times I was right and nobody listened
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your co-worker who can't be trusted in public:
Reasons why I should never be put on speakerphone
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your friend who thinks they are always right about everything:
My list of things I was right about
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your sibling who's witty, but not that witty:
Smart things I'm going to say later
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your friend who hosts debates in the bathroom:
Hypothetical arguments I've had in the shower
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your clever aunt who likes to pop a bottle or two:
Brilliant ideas I had while drinking wine
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your boss who needs a reminder that not every memo has to be a meeting:
Meetings that could have been emails
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your grandparent who always ask you for your name again:
Shit I have to write down because I'm old
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your co-worker who has mastered the art of doing nothing:
Things I need to get done but probably won't
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your friend who's face says more than a thousand words:
Things my face says out loud
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your overachieving co-worker who'll likely end up being your boss one day:
My plans to take over the company
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your friend who hasn't given a fuck in decades:
My archive of flying fucks I don't give
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your uncle who's brilliance thrives during his private business:
Brilliant ideas I had while pooping
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your co-worker who has no filter:
Shit H.R. wants me to stop saying
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your friend who won't take shit from anyone:
List of people who underestimated me and how that worked out for them
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your sibling who always follows the rules:
Shit they said is important
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order

For your cousin who won't stop talking about the latest shows to stream:
Tasks I need to complete before I can watch Netflix
- Tailor this notebook to your personal taste
- Custom-printed to order
Couldn't find the jelly to your sufganiyot?
If none of these quite hit the mark, our full collection of funny notebook titles is packed with even more hilarious options for every personality on your list. Order soon, and you’ll be all set for a season of light, laughter, and memorable gifts that are anything but ordinary.
Happy Hanukkah from WTF Notebooks!
Ordinary is overrated
WTF Notebooks are here to make you laugh out loud. Custom-printed to order, they are the perfect gift for friends, family, co-workers or yourself. Say goodbye to boring notebooks and hello to WTF Notebooks!
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